The Costs of Cuarentena

“Travel” Weeks 27-28

Days 187-201 (Q39-Q53):

I bid adieu to my French and German housemates when it was time once again to relocate. It’s amazing how “hot” the rental market is during a national shutdown. I was worried that my costs were going to go up, but I found a charming one bedroom apartment at a great price and with only one consumer of food in the house, it was easy to splurge on items and milk them for their full value.

Uber to Apartment120
Rent (15 days)10600
Chinese supermarket660
Monday, moving day
Atomo supermarket1200

With the introduction of a new restriction that you are only allowed outside of the house to shop or walk depending on the last digit of your DNI (documento nacional identidad), the Chinese owner of the shop I prefer banned me from the shop for being a foreigner.

Rent (15 days)9000
Round trip Uber305* + 30 (tip)

Someone booked out my apartment right out from under me, but I was able to find a new one for the next chapter of the quarantine life. I had to get more cash and go pick up the keys to the place from a suburb of Mendoza. I’ll have to update this when I see how much the Uber really costs.

15 day total24464 ARS
~USD 260.37
(1844.4 RMB)

Running Total: 4515.14 USD (RMB 31983.9)
Daily Average: 22.46 USD (RMB 159.1)

Because the daily average for the trip as a whole doesn’t reflect the current reality, I was curious about my daily expenses in each of my living situations:

LocationDaysDaily Average (USD)
House 1160-17412.95
House 2175-18614.42
Apartment 1187-20111.37