Day 17: Untitled


I wish I was better at sleeping in, but I find myself constitutionally unable to catch up on sleep when I am up way too late at night. Which was the case on my birthday. I had a bit of a hangover, but nothing too fierce, just a creeping lethargy from too much sitting around and too little sleep.

There isn’t much to say about the day, as it passed like every other day. Though the weather was good, I didn’t have the energy to exercise. The highlight of the day was a couple of hours in a bakery/cafe which smelled amazing. With no shortage of choice of cafes to while away the days, I’m settling on olfactory satisfaction as the discriminating factor.

Around sunset as I was getting worried about a lack of activity, I took a walk to the area around the subway station and strolled through a couple of shops. I’ve been thinking about getting a plug adapter for Korea. Though the universal adapter I have works, it doesn’t work well, often falling out of the socket. I did see one in a convenience store, but I wanted to try some other shops to get a better price. I didn’t find any.

I went to Seoul Plaza in the evening to go ice skating only to find that they had already shut it down despite still being the middle of winter. Life is full of disappointments.

Back in the hostel, I ate my salad and kimchi dinner, drank some soju, and wrote a little in my poetry notebook. I haven’t kept one of those since my road trip through the States.

Coffee and apple danish4800
Choco bread2900
Cajun Chicken Salad2700
Kimchi & Soju4800
More Soju4550
Total:19750 W
(119.5 RMB)
(USD 17.6)

Running Total: 4484.5 RMB (USD 663)
Daily Average: 263.8 RMB (USD 39)